Eduardo Silva

Future activities

  • "Groups, Dynamics & Topology" Seminar (Kraków, Poland) [March 2025]

  • Talk: The continuity of asymptotic entropy of random walks on groups

  • Oberseminar C*-algebras (Münster, Germany) [January 2025]

  • Talk: Continuity of asymptotic entropy on wreath products

  • Winter School on Disordered Media (Budapest, Hungary) [January 2025]

  • Seminar of the Research Group Geometry, Topology and Group Theory (Münster, Germany) [December 2024]

  • Talk: Bounded Harmonic functions on groups, asymptotic entropy, and continuity

    Attended conferences & talks

  • Dynamics and Group Geometry Early Researchers Seminar (DAGGER) (Warwick, United Kingdom) [November 2024]

  • Talk: Harmonic functions on groups and the Poisson boundary

  • Students and postdocs probability seminar (Münster, Germany) [October 2024]

  • Talk: The Liouville property for groups

  • Séminaire Gaston Darboux (Montpellier, France) [October 2024]

  • Talk: Le bord de Poisson des produits en couronne

  • Probability, Dynamics, and the Geometry of Groups (Münster, Germany) [September 2024]

  • Talk: The Poisson boundary of wreath products

  • CMI-HIMR Summer School on Symmetry and Randomness (Bristol, United Kingdom) [July 2024]

  • Organized problem sessions for Tianyi Zheng's course: Random walks on self-similar groups: boundary behaviour and amenability.

  • Séminaire d'Algèbres d'Opérateurs IMJ-PRG (Paris, France) [June 2024]

  • Talk: The Poisson boundary of wreath products

  • Young Geometric Group Theory XII (Bristol, United Kingdom) [April 2024]

  • Poster: The Poisson boundary of wreath products

  • Rencontre "Rigidité en théorie des groupes : aspects géométriques et ergodiques" (Paris, France) [March 2024]

  • Le Séminaire Virtuel Francophone Groupes et Géométrie (Grenoble, France) [February 2024]

  • Talk: Le bord de Poisson des produits en couronne [slides]

  • Thematic Program on Randomness and Geometry (Toronto, Canada) [January 2024]

  • Long term visitor (1 month)

  • Randomness and Geometry Seminar Fields Institute (Toronto, Canada) [January 2024]

  • Talk: The Poisson boundary of wreath products

  • Séminaire SymPA (Amiens, France) [December 2023]

  • Talk: Le bord de Poisson des produits en couronne

  • Séminaire Raconte-Moi (Paris, France) [November 2023]

  • Talk: Fonctions harmoniques et le bord de Poisson des groupes hyperboliques

  • Journée de Rentrée du DMA (Paris, France) [October 2023]

  • Talk: La géométrie asymptotique et le bord de Poisson des produits en couronne

  • Seminario de Sistemas Dinámicos de Santiago (Santiago, Chile) [August 2023]

  • Talk: Non-triviality and identification of Poisson boundaries of groups

  • Group theory reading group (Santiago, Chile) [August 2023]

  • Expository talk: Bader-Shalom's Normal Subgroup Theorem: amenability, Poisson boundaries and Kazhdan's property (T)

  • Groups, Actions, and Geometries at TUFTS University (Boston,USA) [August 2023]

  • Poster: The Poisson boundary of lampshuffler groups

  • Geometric and Asymptotic Group Theory with Applications (GAGTA) 2023 (Vienna, Austria) [July 2023]

  • Poster: The Poisson boundary of lampshuffler groups

  • Séminaire de Groupes et Géométrie (Geneva, Switzerland) [February 2023]

  • Talk: Dead ends on wreath products and lamplighter groups

  • Séminaire d'Algèbres d'Opérateurs IMJ-PRG (Paris, France) [December 2022]

  • Talk: Culs-de-sac dans les produits en couronne et les groupes d'allumeur de réverbères

  • Group theory seminar ENS (Paris, France) [November 2022]

  • Talk: Dead ends on wreath products and lamplighter groups

  • Séminaire de doctorants LAMFA (Amiens, France) [November 2022]

  • Talk: Geodesics, rationality and dead ends on Cayley graphs

  • Modern advances in geometric group theory (Manchester, United Kingdom) [September 2022]

  • Talk: Dead ends on wreath products and lamplighter groups [slides]

  • Metric Geometry and Geometric Analysis (Oxford, United Kingdom) [July 2022]

  • Hyperbolic groups and their generalisations (Paris, France) [June 2022]

  • Self-similarity of groups, trees and fractals (Paris, France) [May-June 2022]

  • Mapping class groups and Out(Fn) (Paris, France) [April 2022]

  • Groups Acting on Fractals (Marseille, France) [April 2022]